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Getting Started⚓︎


Homebrew (macOS & Linux)⚓︎

To install Regula via Homebrew:

brew tap fugue/regula
brew install regula

To upgrade Regula:

brew upgrade regula

Prebuilt binary (all platforms)⚓︎

  1. Download the Regula archive for your platform from the Releases page.
  2. Extract the downloaded archive.
  3. Move the extracted regula binary to somewhere in your PATH:

    mv regula /usr/local/bin
    sudo mv regula /usr/local/bin
    md C:\regula\bin
    move regula.exe C:\regula\bin
    setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\regula\bin"
    md C:\regula\bin
    move regula.exe C:\regula\bin
    $env:Path += ";C:\regula\bin"
    # You can add '$env:Path += ";C:\regula\bin"' to your profile.ps1 file to
    # persist that change across shell sessions.
  4. Windows users only: Close cmd and re-open it so the changes take effect.

  5. You can now run regula.


On some versions of macOS, you might see an error message that "regula cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified." You can safely run regula by taking the following steps:

  1. Select "Cancel" to dismiss the error message.
  2. In macOS, access System Preferences > Security & Privacy.
  3. Select the General tab and click the "Allow Anyway" button.
  4. Run regula again:

  5. macOS will ask you to confirm that you want to open it. Select "Open."

You can now execute regula commands.

Docker (all platforms)⚓︎


Windows users can run Linux containers using a method described in the Microsoft documentation.

Regula is available as a Docker image on DockerHub here.

For usage, see Running Regula with Docker.

From source⚓︎


macOS, Linux, and WSL only

  1. Install Go (v1.18+)

  2. Build binary and move to /usr/local/bin/regula:

    make # this builds ./bin/regula
    make install # this builds ./bin/regula and installs it to /usr/local/bin/regula

Once you've built the binary, execute the following to run tests:

git submodule update --init --recursive
make test

Tutorial: Run Regula locally on Terraform IaC⚓︎


Don't need a tutorial? Jump ahead to Usage.

For this example, we'll be running Regula on some example Terraform infrastructure as code (IaC) in our regula-ci-example repo.

  1. Clone the example IaC repo:

    git clone
  2. Move into the regula-ci-example directory:

    cd regula-ci-example
  3. Run Regula against the example Terraform:

    regula run infra_tf

You'll see output like this:

FG_R00092: IAM policies should not have full "*:*" administrative privileges [High]

  [1]: aws_iam_policy.basically_allow_all
       in infra_tf/

Found one problem.

Looks like there is one problem with the Terraform! Let's get a full JSON report.

Dig into the details⚓︎

To get a full JSON report, run Regula with the -f json flag:

regula run infra_tf -f json

You'll see output like this:

  "rule_results": [
      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_allow_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges. IAM policies should start with a minimum set of permissions and include more as needed rather than starting with full administrative privileges. Providing full administrative privileges when unnecessary exposes resources to potentially unwanted actions.",
      "rule_id": "FG_R00092",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "tf_aws_iam_admin_policy",
      "rule_raw_result": false,
      "rule_remediation_doc": "",
      "rule_result": "FAIL",
      "rule_severity": "High",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 6,
          "column": 1
      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_deny_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges. IAM policies should start with a minimum set of permissions and include more as needed rather than starting with full administrative privileges. Providing full administrative privileges when unnecessary exposes resources to potentially unwanted actions.",
      "rule_id": "FG_R00092",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "tf_aws_iam_admin_policy",
      "rule_raw_result": true,
      "rule_remediation_doc": "",
      "rule_result": "PASS",
      "rule_severity": "High",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 25,
          "column": 1
      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_allow_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "IAM policies should not be attached to users. Assigning privileges at the group or role level reduces the complexity of access management as the number of users grow. Reducing access management complexity may reduce opportunity for a principal to inadvertently receive or retain excessive privileges.",
      "rule_id": "FG_R00007",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "tf_aws_iam_policy",
      "rule_raw_result": true,
      "rule_remediation_doc": "",
      "rule_result": "PASS",
      "rule_severity": "Low",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies should not be attached to users",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 6,
          "column": 1
      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_deny_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "IAM policies should not be attached to users. Assigning privileges at the group or role level reduces the complexity of access management as the number of users grow. Reducing access management complexity may reduce opportunity for a principal to inadvertently receive or retain excessive privileges.",
      "rule_id": "FG_R00007",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "tf_aws_iam_policy",
      "rule_raw_result": true,
      "rule_remediation_doc": "",
      "rule_result": "PASS",
      "rule_severity": "Low",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies should not be attached to users",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 25,
          "column": 1
      "controls": [],
      "families": [],
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_allow_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "IAM policies should not allow broad list actions on S3 buckets. Should a malicious actor gain access to a role with a policy that includes broad list actions such as ListAllMyBuckets, the malicious actor would be able to enumerate all buckets and potentially extract sensitive data.",
      "rule_id": "FG_R00218",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "tf_aws_iam_s3_nolist",
      "rule_raw_result": true,
      "rule_remediation_doc": "",
      "rule_result": "PASS",
      "rule_severity": "Medium",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies should not allow broad list actions on S3 buckets",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 6,
          "column": 1
      "controls": [],
      "families": [],
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_deny_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "IAM policies should not allow broad list actions on S3 buckets. Should a malicious actor gain access to a role with a policy that includes broad list actions such as ListAllMyBuckets, the malicious actor would be able to enumerate all buckets and potentially extract sensitive data.",
      "rule_id": "FG_R00218",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "tf_aws_iam_s3_nolist",
      "rule_raw_result": true,
      "rule_remediation_doc": "",
      "rule_result": "PASS",
      "rule_severity": "Medium",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies should not allow broad list actions on S3 buckets",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 25,
          "column": 1
  "summary": {
    "filepaths": [
    "rule_results": {
      "FAIL": 1,
      "PASS": 5,
      "WAIVED": 0
    "severities": {
      "Critical": 0,
      "High": 1,
      "Informational": 0,
      "Low": 0,
      "Medium": 0,
      "Unknown": 0

What does it mean?⚓︎

Regula just showed us that our sample Terraform is noncompliant and a security vulnerability. In this example, there are 6 rule results: 5 PASS and 1 FAIL.

The AWS IAM policy resource aws_iam_policy.basically_allow_all failed the Regula rule "IAM policies should not have full "*:*" administrative privileges." The report includes lots of other info, such as the filepath, line, and column the resource was found in; the rule severity; a full description of the rule; and more:

      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_allow_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges. IAM policies should start with a minimum set of permissions and include more as needed rather than starting with full administrative privileges. Providing full administrative privileges when unnecessary exposes resources to potentially unwanted actions.",
      "rule_id": "FG_R00092",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "tf_aws_iam_admin_policy",
      "rule_raw_result": false,
      "rule_remediation_doc": "",
      "rule_result": "FAIL",
      "rule_severity": "High",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 6,
          "column": 1

In contrast, the policy aws_iam_policy.basically_deny_all passed the rule:

      "controls": [
      "families": [
      "filepath": "infra_tf/",
      "input_type": "tf",
      "provider": "aws",
      "resource_id": "aws_iam_policy.basically_deny_all",
      "resource_type": "aws_iam_policy",
      "resource_tags": {},
      "rule_description": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges. IAM policies should start with a minimum set of permissions and include more as needed rather than starting with full administrative privileges. Providing full administrative privileges when unnecessary exposes resources to potentially unwanted actions.",
      "rule_id": "FG_R00092",
      "rule_message": "",
      "rule_name": "tf_aws_iam_admin_policy",
      "rule_raw_result": true,
      "rule_remediation_doc": "",
      "rule_result": "PASS",
      "rule_severity": "High",
      "rule_summary": "IAM policies should not have full \"*:*\" administrative privileges",
      "source_location": [
          "path": "infra_tf/",
          "line": 25,
          "column": 1

The summary lists the filenames evaluated, the number of FAIL/PASS/WAIVED rule results, and the severity of the failed rules:

  "summary": {
    "filepaths": [
    "rule_results": {
      "FAIL": 1,
      "PASS": 5,
      "WAIVED": 0
    "severities": {
      "Critical": 0,
      "High": 1,
      "Informational": 0,
      "Low": 0,
      "Medium": 0,
      "Unknown": 0

What's next?⚓︎

Congratulations on finishing this example! 🎉 Now, learn more about how to use Regula.