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Regula and Fugue⚓︎

Regula can be used in conjunction with Fugue to ensure infrastructure as code (IaC) is secure and compliant by enforcing the same policy as code across the entire development lifecycle.

Setting up a Fugue IaC repository environment⚓︎

To set up a repository environment, see the Fugue docs.

Syncing rules, families, and waivers from Fugue⚓︎


Syncing applies any relevant Fugue waivers enabled for your repository environment. This is a one-way sync; local waivers are not applied or synced to Fugue.

Using regula run with the --sync flag instructs Regula to evaluate your IaC templates using the rules, families, and waivers enabled for the associated Fugue repository environment. The rules that are applied to your IaC are determined by the compliance families you selected for the environment.

The Fugue repository environment is specified in the .regula.yaml configuration file, which is generated when you execute regula init --environment-id <environment_id> (see the Fugue docs).

To run Regula locally with synced rules/families/waivers:

regula run --sync

To run Regula locally with synced rules/families/waivers and also send Regula's results to Fugue:

regula run --sync --upload

Be aware that --sync overrides other flags that would select rules. For instance, if you use --sync, you cannot also use the --only flag to select only a single rule, and you cannot use --include or --exclude to include/exclude other directories of rules or local waivers. --sync ensures that Regula applies the rules/families/waivers configured in your Fugue repository environment.