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v3.2.0 (2023-02-15)⚓︎


  • policy-engine to v0.18.0 to add support for newer Terraform syntax (#388)

v3.1.0 (2023-02-10)⚓︎


  • policy-engine to fix panic from null variables (#389)
  • go version to 1.18

v3.0.0 (2023-01-24)⚓︎


  • support for_each for resources in tf loader


  • switch to hcl_interpreter from policy-engine (#383)
  • resources IDs for tf resources that have count set now use the aws_s3_bucket.my_bucket[0] format


  • FG_R00252 should support arrays for condition values (#380)
  • FG_R00329 has wrong property name (#368)

v2.10.0 (2022-11-10)⚓︎


  • Support for .tf.json files - including those output by Terraform CDK's cdktf synth command.

v2.9.3 (2022-10-13)⚓︎


  • fix panic in EnrichResources

v2.9.2 (2022-09-26)⚓︎


  • false positive for rule FG_R00031
  • panic on empty rego file


  • bump OPA to v0.43.1

v2.9.1 (2022-08-17)⚓︎


  • Support for remediation doc to regotools metadoc (#352 authored by @darrendao)

v2.9.0 (2022-08-01)⚓︎


  • Panic when using both Terraform and Regula as go libraries (#350 authored by @craigfurman)


  • Updated OPA to v0.43.0
  • Updated alpine to v3.16 in Dockerfile

v2.8.1 (2022-07-13)⚓︎


  • fix severities for passing rules

v2.8.0 (2022-06-14)⚓︎


v2.7.0 (2022-06-10)⚓︎


  • Tests for FG_R00211 (#281 authored by @dkoder20)
  • Support for advanced_event_selector in FG_R00237 (#336)
  • Support for account level blocks to FG_R00299 (#336)
  • Support for new Terraform AWS provider v4 resource in FG_R00099 (#336)
  • Support for new Terraform AWS provider v4 resources in: FG_R00028, FG_R00031, FG_R00044, FG_R00101, FG_R00252, FG_R00274, FG_R00275, FG_R00277, FG_R00279 (#341)


  • NACL rule handling in nacl_library.rego (#336)
  • False negatives from FG_R00484 (#336)
  • False positives from FG_R00036 for asymmetric keys (#341)


  • Go version to 1.18 (#326 authored by @chenrui333)
  • OPA to version 0.40.0 along with other dependency upgrades (#338)

v2.6.1 (2022-03-22)⚓︎


  • regula version output

v2.6.0 (2022-03-17)⚓︎


  • New TF rules: FG_R00354, FG_R00355, FG_R00357, FG_R00359, FG_R00375, FG_R00451, FG_R00452, FG_R00468
  • SARIF output format (#284)
  • Resource tags to JSON report (#317)
  • Support for valueless tags (#319)
  • input_resource_types set to fugue library (#322)
  • Support for waivers defined in Fugue SaaS when using --sync (#316)


  • Commented-out defaults from generated config file (#320)


  • Package name to match Go mod conventions for package versioning (#296) (#312)
  • Nil panic in Cloudformation detector (#313)
  • Bug in FG_R00068 when KMS key resource not defined in same module (#299)


  • Upgrade OPA from 0.34.1 to 0.37.0 (#308)
  • Upgrade Alpine version in docker image (#323)


  • Support for count attribute in HCL (#321)

v2.5.0 (2022-02-11)⚓︎


  • Rule package names to match what's in the Fugue platform offering (#300)


  • Empty opa.runtime() result (#301)
  • Null terraform.workspace value (#305)
  • Panic from null count in some Terraform configurations (#307)


  • Table output by making the result and severity columns more visible (#298 authored by @fafg)

v2.4.0 (2022-01-25)⚓︎


  • Added support for retrieving rule bundles from Fugue
  • Add families to JSON output


  • Change ARM provider from "arm" to "azurerm"
  • On --sync, apply only rules from synced environment


  • Fix issue around module detection
  • Better error for missing environment ID on --upload

v2.3.0 (2021-12-17)⚓︎


  • Rule FG_R00500 that enforces AWS WAF configuration that mitigates the recently-publicized Log4J vulnerabilities

v2.2.1 (2021-12-13)⚓︎


  • Panic in Terraform loader (#279)

v2.2.0 (2021-12-09)⚓︎


  • Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template support with 38 rules. This feature is currently in preview.

v2.1.0 (2021-11-18)⚓︎


  • Ability to specify remediation doc URL for custom rules (#247 authored by @darrendao)
  • Support for aws_alb resource type in Terraform rules (#252)
  • Remediation doc links for some newer rules


  • Panic from HCL loader for variables without defaults (#245)
  • Bucket policies not correctly associated with buckets in some Terraform rules (#251)
  • Lambda permissions not associated with functions when values besides function name are used (#200)
  • False positives from FG_R00073 for WAFv2 with Terraform HCL inputs (#249)

v2.0.1 (2021-11-12)⚓︎


  • Issue where some data resources would appear empty in the resource view for Terraform HCL inputs (#244)

v2.0.0 (2021-11-11)⚓︎

This is a major release that contains a few breaking changes described below. Users who are upgrading from previous versions should:

  • Swap any uses of the --user-only flag for --no-built-ins
  • Use regula run --sync --upload instead of regula scan
  • Update any tooling that consumes Regula's JSON output to account for the newly-added field

Please see our docs site for the latest usage information.


  • --sync flag to regula run. When --sync is specified, Regula will fetch custom rules from Fugue.
  • --upload flag to regula run. When --upload is specified, Regula will upload rule results to Fugue.
  • --exclude flag to regula run. --exclude takes a rule ID or rule name and excludes that rule from the evaluation.
  • --only flag to regula run. --only takes a rule ID or rule name and excludes all other rules from the evaluation.
  • rule_raw_result field to Regula JSON report output. This boolean field indicates the unwaived rule status - true if the rule passed before waivers were applied and false otherwise.


  • Renamed --user-only flag to --no-built-ins


  • regula scan command. The functionality of regula scan has been combined into regula run.


  • :unneeded is deprecated warning from brew install (#239 authored by @somaritane)


  • Regula's Terraform HCL loader. We've gained support for heredoc syntax, better error handling, better function support, and more.

v1.6.0 (2021-10-15)⚓︎


  • Resource line numbers for Kubernetes manifests
  • k8s input type in help text (#217)
  • A tutorial on how to debug a rule
  • A new rule to enforce lambda permission conditions (#200)


  • Base docker image from scratch to alpine (#215)


  • Incompatibility with plan files from Terraform v1.0.8 (#220) (#221) (#222)

v1.5.0 (2021-09-30)⚓︎


  • Add resource source code location for regula scan
  • Kubernetes support and first batch of rules
  • Add CIS AWS v1.4.0 and CIS Google v1.2.0


  • Enhance ASG AZ rule by inspecting vpc_zone_identifier


  • Fix trailing commas in rego metadocs for regula scan

v1.4.0 (2021-09-16)⚓︎


v1.3.2 (2021-09-09)⚓︎


  • Rule documentation links in the text output format


  • Bug with template strings in arguments to jsonencode in Terraform

v1.3.1 (2021-09-07)⚓︎


  • Bug that caused S3 buckets to be ignored by some rules if they had a bucket policy we could not parse (#186)
  • Compatibility issue with regula scan and some custom Fugue SaaS rules (#185)

v1.3.0 (2021-09-02)⚓︎


  • Integration with Fugue's SaaS product via regula scan. This is a purely optional feature and regula run continues to operate entirely standalone. Let us know if you'd like access to the closed beta by emailing!


  • Out-of-date NIST mappings (#175)


  • Errors from some Terraform configurations that use variables with nested complex types (#176)
  • Bug where .terraform directory can get loaded when --no-ignore option is used (#181)
  • Use consistent evaluation order for local variables in Terraform (#184)

v1.2.0 (2021-08-19)⚓︎


  • A configuration file for 'regula run'. See 'regula init' in our usage and configuration pages for more details (#172)


  • Inconsistent filepaths when inputs are specified with a leading ./. Now all filepaths will be normalized to remove any leading ./ (#169)
  • Confusing warning messages when terraform init is needed (#170)

v1.1.0 (2021-08-05)⚓︎


  • Default WORKDIR to /workspace in Docker image (#158)
  • Resource line and column numbers in rule results 😎



  • Issue with missing_resource() rule results excluded from report output (#157)
  • Values for undefined Terraform variables without defaults (#156)

v1.0.0 (2021-06-29)⚓︎



  • Unified input_type values in rules with --input-type flag


  • Bug when reading .tf files from stdin
  • Use specific filepath in report output for tf inputs (#128)
  • Include data. prefix in data source type names (e.g. data.aws_iam_policy_document) for tf inputs

v0.9.1 (2021-06-10)⚓︎


  • Remove coloring for WAIVED status and severity in table output so that it's readable against a black background (#126)
  • Improve support for conditional resources (count = 0) in Terraform HCL

v0.9.0 (2021-05-27)⚓︎


  • A regula CLI tool with lots of new features, including:
  • Support for HCL source code
  • Built-in OPA and input processing - removes the need for a separate OPA installation as well as the Python and Terraform dependencies.
  • Discovery of IaC configurations
  • Additional output formats (an ASCII table, JUnit XML, etc.)
  • A configurable exit status based on rule severity
  • test and repl commands which enhance OPA with the Regula library

For descriptions of the new features and how to use them, please see our updated documentation at


  • Put all rego code in a rego subdirectory. Please see our Conftest documentation for the updated URLs.

0.8.0 (2021-04-15)⚓︎

  • Add support for waivers.
  • Add support for disabling rules.
  • Always use multiple input file mode to display the file path.
  • Rename filename to filepath in report out.
  • Use nonzero exit code when rules are failing.

0.7.0 (2021-04-01)⚓︎

  • Update regula report output format.
  • Support multiple input files.

0.6.0 (2021-03-18)⚓︎

  • Add support for CloudFormation templates.
  • Add 23 new CIS AWS rules for CloudFormation templates.
  • Reorganize rules and tests and standardize rule names.
  • Update control and compliance family names to new format.
  • Add a Dockerfile.

0.5.0 (2020-08-21)⚓︎

  • New rule: Ensure AWS S3 Buckets are encrypted.
  • New rule: Ensure AWS CloudFront uses HTTPS.
  • Allow deny[msg] style simple rules.
  • Enable structured output for conftest integration.

0.4.0 (2020-07-07)⚓︎

  • Relicense under Apache 2.0 rather than AGPL.
  • Add NIST_800-53 mapping to existing rules.
  • Add support for fugue.deny_resource_with_message and fugue.missing_resource_with_message to return custom messages from rules.
  • Add a workaround for a bug in OPA >= 0.20 that prevented simple allow/deny rules from working.
  • Fix an issue where multiple terraform refs would cause an object keys must be unique error.

0.3.0 (2020-03-11)⚓︎

  • Add conftest integration.
  • Add a human-readable message to the report.

0.2.0 (2020-02-25)⚓︎

  • Work around terraform issue with subdirectories & remote backends.
  • Add initial set of Azure rules.
  • Add initial set of GCP rules.
  • Minor and fixes and improvements.

0.1.0 (2020-01-23)⚓︎

  • Add support for terraform modules.
  • Fix mktemp invocation on Mac.
  • Various README improvements.

0.0.1 (2020-01-14)⚓︎

  • Initial release.