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Testing Rules⚓︎

You can run rule tests using regula test or evaluate them interactively using regula repl. For each rule to be tested, you'll need three files:

  • The test IaC file (aka test input)
  • The Rego rule file
  • The Rego tests file, where each test is prepended with test_

In both cases, note the path to the IaC file relative to where you invoke regula test or regula run should align with the package name imported into the Rego test file, as explained in this note.

Test a rule via regula test⚓︎

To test one or more rules via regula test:

regula test path/to/rule path/to/tests path/to/IaC
  • Example:

    regula test rules/my_rule.rego tests/my_rule_test.rego infra/
  • Example:

    regula test .

You'll see output like this:

PASS: 142/142

Test a rule via regula repl⚓︎

To test interactively test one or more rules via regula repl:

  1. Load the tests, rule, and IaC files into the REPL:

    regula repl path/to/rule path/to/tests path/to/IaC


    regula repl rules/my_rule.rego tests/my_rule_test.rego infra/


    regula repl .
  2. Open the rule package:

    package rules.my_rule
  3. Import the IaC package:

    import data.infra.my_infra_tf
  4. Evaluate a test from your rule tests file:

    data.rules.my_rule.allow with input as my_infra_tf.mock_resources["aws_s3_bucket.my_valid_bucket"]

You'll see the result of the evaluation:
